You want to save time and money, so you take your child to the emergency room for a dental problem. It’s a growing trend especially…
Author: IdentityAdmin
Miami, FL Pediatric Dentist
33165 Children’s Dentist | Teething Tips for Toddlers
Your baby’s first teeth developing can be a difficult experience for both you and your child. Most teeth begin to appear as early as 3…
Miami Pediatric Dentist | 5 Fun Teeth Facts
Test your child’s (and maybe your own) knowledge with these five fun facts about teeth and brushing. How many do you know without checking? 1….
Pediatric Dentist in Miami | Healthy Transitions: Trading Bottles for Cups
Helping your child switch from bottles to cups can be challenging. Babies may become emotionally attached to their bottles as a source of comfort as…
Miami Pediatric Dentist | 4 Ways to Make Oral Hygiene Fun
It can be difficult to get your child to practice proper oral care unsupervised. However, the long-term benefits of an early start to optimal oral…
Children’s Dentist Miami | When Should My Child Get Braces?
Braces can help create a straight, healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. Ideally, any corrections to the bite, jaw, or mouth structure should be performed…
Pediatric Dentist Miami | Baby Teeth – Should My Child’s Teeth Be Removed?
Making sure your child’s mouth develops properly is important. Part of a growing mouth will mean your child’s baby teeth will come out. For many…
Pediatric Dentist in Miami FL | Teeth Stages
A child’s first tooth growing in can be a bittersweet moment for parents. It can be frustrating when babies become irritable. It can also be…
Miami Pediatric Dentist | Pacifiers and Teeth Development
One of the best ways to calm fussy babies is by giving them a pacifier. However, as babies grow this can be a difficult habit…
Pediatric Dentist in Miami | Healthy Teeth for Sick Kids
When you are focused on a child with a fever, cough, or vomiting, it can be easy to question getting them out of the sickbed…